是次發展計劃的重點項目,是以全球大熱的 漫威超級英雄故事 及 迪士尼《魔雪奇緣》為題而打造,使賓客有如身臨其境、全情投入故事當中的主題區(Immersive Themed Areas)。香港迪士尼樂園這兩個新主題區,涵蓋了華特迪士尼公司兩個最強品牌。與此同時,配合樂園的整體佈局發展,坐落於通往「幻想世界」的主要大道上的樂園核心地標 城堡,將於現有城堡結構上擴建,注入新元素(包括:加建場地以作精彩的全新娛樂表演項目),為樂園的中心地標注入新動力,豐富賓客體驗。
About Hong Kong Disneyland's Multi-Year Expansion Receives Funding Approval
The expansion plans follow a period of historic growth at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.
香港迪士尼樂園度假區 行政總裁 劉永基 表示:「我們感謝立法會支持香港迪士尼樂園度假區的跨年發展及擴建計劃,讓我們能為賓客呈獻華特迪士尼公司旗下如漫威及《魔雪奇緣》等極受歡迎的角色及故事。香港迪士尼樂園度假區承諾,透過持續創作全新及令人驚喜的遊樂體驗,吸引更多區內賓客到訪。隨著『鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅』在年初開幕,並成功成為目前度假區內最受歡迎的遊樂項目。我們將承勢於下月推出全新『Marvel夏日超級英雄』主題活動。」
“We are grateful for the Legislative Council’s support for Hong Kong Disneyland Resort’s multi-year expansion that will leverage some of the most popular stories of the Disney brand including Marvel and Frozen,” said Samuel Lau, executive vice president and managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. “Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is committed to continuously creating new and amazing offerings that enhance our appeal to guests around the region. Riding on the successful opening of Iron Man Experience earlier this year—now the most popular attraction at Hong Kong Disneyland—we will also launch the all-new Marvel Super Hero Summer event next month.”
“On April 30, the brand new 750-room Disney Explorers Lodge resort hotel welcomed its first official guests. It is a unique, exotic addition to Hong Kong’s tourism offerings that is very well-received by guests from Hong Kong and around the region. The Hong Kong Disneyland Resort team will continue making our best effort in bringing the Disney magic to guests from around the world, as Hong Kong continues to broaden its tourism appeal and attractiveness in an increasingly competitive regional market environment,” Lau added.
The expansion will be funded by cash equity contributions made by the shareholders of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort—subsidiaries of The Walt Disney Company and the Hong Kong Government—on an equal basis.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort