巴黎迪士尼樂園度假區(Disneyland Resort Paris)經典遊樂設施「Phantom Manor」自2018年1月8日起關上大門進行大規模的「粉飾」工程,當地園方終於在近期正式公佈「Phantom Manor」將於2019年5月3日重開。
「幻想工程師」透過是次「粉飾」工程為遊樂設施內外環境增添更多新元素,藉此加強其背景故事,當中包括了解更多有關大宅主人 Henry Ravenswood 的身份資料,而賓客還會在上車區內看到在該位置新增的女主角 Melanie Ravenswood Audio-Animatronics® 發聲機械動畫人偶。
為迎接「Phantom Manor」重開,當地園方特意發佈了以下這段預告片。

園方自2018年起至2019年4月23日期間在「Phantom Manor」正門前增設「Spirit Photography」限時互動體驗,賓客可以成為《The Mysterious Chronicle》報刊封面人物,在遊樂設施「粉飾」時為大家帶來這個特別的「奇妙體驗」。

另外,米奇 也換上「Phantom Manor」造型禮服與大家見面。
「Phantom Manor」故事簡介(「粉飾」前):
Phantom Manor: A Guided Tour with a Spine-tingling Twist
Muster up some courage and venture up to Phantom Manor, where 999 happy haunts hide one very dark secret.
As you edge closer to the ride, ghastly goings-on keep you suitably scared. Rooms stretch, portraits move and mirrors bend, all to a backdrop of eerie sounds. Then, once aboard your doombuggy, the voice of a phantom directs your every stomach turn in an experience sure to have you screaming for more.
The Curse of Thunder Mesa Strikes Again
Henry Ravenswood was a Western settler who struck gold in Thunder Mesa. With his riches he built a grand mansion on a hill where he and his family lived happily for many years.
That was until Henry's beautiful daughter became engaged to a miner who planned to take her away. Henry viciously disapproved of this and vowed to scupper any chance of them being wed. But then a mysterious force, some say a curse, struck Thunder Mesa in the form of an earthquake, killing both Henry and his wife.
Shortly after the earthquake, Henry's daughter was due to be married. Yet, her husband-to-be never showed, leaving her sat alone in the ballroom of the manor. Hours, days, months, years passed. She never took off her wedding dress or dropped her bouquet, but instead wandered the house aimlessly, singing lost songs of love, hoping her fiancé would arrive - all whilst an evil phantom stalked her every move, mocking her devotion.
Who haunts the hallways of the manor today? What happened to the fiancé? Who is the mysterious phantom? You'll have to find out for yourself at the Disney's Phantom Manor.