Our magic works wonders when it's shared in the company of friends. From March 19 to August 31, 2021, bring friends and loved ones to the Park for an exclusive discount offer of HK$200 off^ for each purchase of a 1-day General Admission ticket. Guests can also upgrade "Bring A Friend" offer ticket to Magic Access on the day of park visit with offer ticket's value#!
Park Visit Reservation
在重開初期,樂園會實施一星期營運五天的安排,逢星期二及四 (公眾假期及香港迪士尼指定特別日子除外)暫停開放,直至另行通知。樂園度假區會繼續謹慎防疫,執行健康及安全措施,讓你安心投入奇妙時刻。因應政府要求,樂園會繼續控制園內人數。
During the initial reopening stage, the park will implement a new five-day per week operation, and will be closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays (except public holidays and special days designated by the Resort from time to time) until further notice. The resort will continue its measured approach with enhanced health and safety measures, so that you can have a magical experience in an uplifting environment. The park will also continue to control capacity as required by the government.
All Guests are required to reserve their visit date online via the Hong Kong Disneyland's official website within eight (8) days prior to their visit to the Park. Magic Access Members can make reservations within nine (9) days.
Magic Access Members who want to make reservation with "Bring A Friend" Offer tickets, simply select "Pass" under admission type during reservation, then you may register for yourself and your friends together. The number of Guests in your park reservation must be the same as the number of purchased offer tickets, with the same park entry date.
# 由2021年3月19日至8月31日,憑「好友同行」優惠門票升級「奇妙處處通」年票的升級價格將以每張港幣$439計算。此升級優惠只限於購買或使用優惠門票進入樂園當日,到樂園內的「奇妙處處通」會員服務中心支付票價差額,將優惠門票升級至年票。差額之釐定視乎優惠門票之價值及所選擇之「奇妙處處通」種類。
- 「好友同行」優惠門票於網上發售。
- 於優惠期內,每位會員每天最多可享此優惠一次。包括同日透過網上購買的優惠門票。不論「奇妙處處通」會員卡所屬之類別,每位合資格會員在優惠期內最多只可享此優惠五次。
- 如優惠門票透過網上購買,只適用於2021年8月31日或之前進入樂園一次。
- 會員須與持有優惠門票的賓客一同入園,並受「奇妙處處通」不適用日子約束。
- 在網站購買的優惠門票,合資格會員亦須於樂園正門迴轉欄出示(i)由本公司發出的購票確認電郵;(ii)其有效的「奇妙處處通」會員卡;及(iii)其購買此優惠門票所用之信用卡作核對之用。
# From March 19 to August 31, 2021, when calculating the price difference payable for upgrading offer tickets to Magic Access, "Bring A Friend" Offer tickets will be valued at HK$439. This upgrade offer is only available on the day of purchase or on the day of Park admission using the Offer Tickets by paying the applicable price difference at the Magic Access Members Service Center in the Park, with reference to the Offer Ticket’s value and the type of Magic Access selected.
^ "Bring A Friend" offer details:
- "Bring A Friend" offer is available online.
- Each Member can enjoy this offer once per day during the promotion period (includes the offer ticket purchased from online transaction on the same day). Each Eligible Member may only enjoy the offer up to five (5) times within the Offer Period irrespective of his/her Magic Access membership card tier.
- Offer Tickets purchased online are valid for one visit to the park on or before August 31, 2021.
- A Member must accompany his/her Guests with offer ticket when entering the Park, and is subject to Magic Access block out dates.
- Eligible Members who have purchased the Offer Tickets on the Website must also present (i) the confirmation email issued by HKITP; (ii) his/her valid Magic Access membership card and such personal identification as HKITP may require; and (iii) the credit card used for purchasing the Offer Tickets at the Main Entrance turnstile of the Park for verification purpose.
延伸分享(Learn More):
- 香港迪士尼「奇妙春日快樂加倍」(Celebrate A Double Rainbow This Spring)2021年春季活動
- 香港迪士尼 推出香港居民:「輕鬆工作學習」優惠(Hong Kong Resident: Work Study Relax Offer)
- 香港迪士尼 分享「Duffy與好友春日之旅」(Duffy and Friends Spring Picnic)短片
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort