


LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售|Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新「Duffy Fans-tasy」

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

充滿好奇心、機智又可愛的小狐狸 LinaBell 即將於2022年9月9日正式加「萌」香港迪士尼樂園度假區(香港迪士尼)!粉絲齊來率先網上購買一系列周邊主題商品和酒店體驗,一同投入全新「Duffy Fans-tasy」!

“Duffy Fans-tasy” is coming to Hong Kong Disneyland Resort on September 9 with the arrival of LinaBell, the inquisitive fox friend of Duffy the Disney Bear.  For all fans of Duffy and Friends, streamline the process and purchase the highly anticipated merchandise collection online.  Guests can also extend the fun with a hotel staycation package!

LinaBell, A Disney Friend of Duffy

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

LinaBell 因喜歡解開謎團而與Duffy結緣。有一天,Duffy與好朋友 米奇老鼠 在森林中追逐蝴蝶的時候失散迷路。LinaBell 剛好遇上獨自一個的 Duffy,決定幫助他找回去的路。最終,Duffy與 米奇老鼠 重聚。為感謝 LinaBell 的幫忙,Duffy 為 LinaBell 送上一朵蘭花,也象徵着 Duffy 與這位新朋友的友誼。

LinaBell comes into Duffy’s world doing what she loves most: solving mysteries. While chasing butterflies with his dear friend Mickey Mouse, Duffy got separated and lost his way. LinaBell discovered Duffy alone in the forest and offered to help him find his way back. After reuniting the two, LinaBell was gifted with an orchid – a token of Duffy’s gratitude for his new friend.

網上購買 LinaBell 主題的周邊熱捧商品
Purchase LinaBell-themed merchandise online

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

要開展Fans-tasy之旅,第一步當然要把一系列LinaBell主題商品帶回家!由2022年8月22日起,樂園官方網站將陸續推出超過 25款LinaBell主題商品,讓賓客在「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段購買,當中更有不少香港迪士尼樂園獨家商品。

Start the Fans-tasy journey by taking home all-new LinaBell merchandise. Over 25 LinaBell merchandise items, which will be released in phases starting on August 22, will be available for purchase online, including Hong Kong Disneyland exclusive items.

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL


Smart Buying Tips

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDLLinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL 

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDLLinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL


Initial Release of LinaBell merchandise items will be for online only.  Please stay tuned to the updates on Hong Kong Disneyland eStore in early September 2022 for details about the availability of LinaBell merchandise item(s) to be launched in our physical merchandise stores.

LinaBell 毛公仔(首批限量發售10,000隻)#
LinaBell Plush (First day collection with limited quantity to 10,000 units)#

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

首批限量發售10,000隻的LinaBell毛公仔將於2022年8月22日起於網上發售,成功購買的賓客須於9月9日內到樂園領取已購買的毛公仔。除此之外,香港迪士尼更獨家推出多款LinaBell主題的隨身商品,讓粉絲們隨身配搭,打造獨有應援造型,當中包括Linabell 毛公仔頭箍、LinaBell毛公仔鑰匙扣及一系列LinaBell手提袋,背包和配飾。

Starting from August 22, the long-awaited LinaBell Plush can be purchased online, with a limited number of 10,000 units available for pick up on September 9.  In addition to the LinaBell Plush, there are a number of Hong Kong-exclusive wearable items available for fans, including LinaBell-themed headbands, plush keychains, bags and accessories.

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL





換領地點:香港迪士尼樂園 - 展藝館(近「獅子王慶典」)

領取日期:2022年9月9日 (只適用於當天)



  • 每人限購一隻,售完即止。
  • 凡於網上成功購買商品的賓客,即獲換領日入園預約位置。
  • 若賓客未能於9月9日入園領取LinaBell毛公仔,該訂單將被取消及退款。
  • 賓客需出示領取通知及親身入園領取已購買的商品。
  • 「奇妙處處通」會員須於領取商品時由本人出示其有效的個人會員卡,其他賓客請出示有效的樂園門票領取商品。



Period: From August 22, 2022* (While stocks last)

Details: Only available for collection on September 9, 2022. Guests are required to pick up the plush within the reserved timeslot at a designated in-park location.

# Each purchase will receive an exclusive “LinaBell Welcome Card” for free

*Purchase starts at 11am.

Designated in-park collecting location: Hong Kong Disneyland — The Pavilion (near “Festival of the Lion King”)

Collection Date: September 9, 2022 (valid on the day only)

Official Website:


  • Limited to 1 item per person, while stocks last.
  • Guests who have successfully purchased the merchandise item online will be entitled to a guaranteed park visit reservation on September 9, 2022.
  • Orders which cannot be redeemed on September 9, 2022 will be cancelled and refunded.
  • Guests are required to have valid park admission tickets to enter the park to collect the item.
  • Guests are required to collect the purchased item in person. Magic Access members must personally present their valid membership card in person to collect the item.

Price (HKD): $349 (Magic Access membership merchandise benefits are applicable)

Remarks: Terms and conditions apply, please refer to the Hong Kong Disneyland official website for offer details.

LinaBell-themed merchandise items#

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL


These items are available for Magic Access members to purchase online from August 25, while public can start on September 1.  All purchased items will be available for pick up at the park from September 10 onwards.  Watch out the Hong Kong Disneyland exclusive LinaBell fluffy tail accessory in Mid-September and dress-up to celebrate LinaBell’s arrival in style!


  • 「奇妙處處通」白金卡會員:2022年8月25日*
  • 所有「奇妙處處通」會員:2022年8月26日至8月31日*
  • 公開發售:2022年9月1日起*

細節:網上分階段發售超過 25款LinaBell主題商品,包括LinaBell 毛公仔。成功購買的賓客須預約日期和時間到樂園指定地點領取商品。



換領地點:香港迪士尼樂園 - 廣場匯 (廣場飯店旁)




  • 同款產品每人限購兩件,售完即止。
  • 賓客可於2022年9月10日或以後之選定日期領取商品,如果賓客不能在原定取貨日期的21天內完成領取,該訂單將被沒收,並且不予賠償或退款。
  • 成功購買的賓客需自行預約入園。
  • 賓客需出示領取通知及親身入園領取已購買的商品。「奇妙處處通」會員須於領取商品時由本人出示其有效的個人會員卡。
  • 「奇妙處處通」會員商品折扣適用



  • Magic Access Platinum Card Members: August 25, 2022*
  • All Magic Access Members: August 26, 2022 to August 31, 2022*
  • Public: September 1, 2022 onwards*

Details: Over 25 LinaBell-themed merchandise items will be released in phases and available online, including LinaBell Plush. Guests are required to pick up the plush within the reserved timeslot at a designated in-park location.

# One exclusive commemorative “LinaBell Welcome Card” will be given for the first 3000 purchase transactions of LinaBerll themed merchandise items on August 25, August 26 and September 1, 2022 (while stocks last) .

*Purchase starts at 11am.

Designated in-park collecting location: Hong Kong Disneyland — Plaza Grounds (next to Plaza Inn)

Collection Date: Starting from September 10, 2022

Official Website:


  • Limited to 2 items of the same design per person, while stocks last.
  • Orders not redeemed within 21 days after the selected redemption date will be forfeited without compensation or refund.
  • Guest are required to make the Park Visit Reservation for the redemption date.
  • Guests are required to collect the purchased item in person by presenting the confirmation email along with a valid park ticket or personalised membership card used for park entry on the same day.
  • Magic Access membership merchandise benefits are applicable

Remarks: Terms and conditions apply, please refer to the Hong Kong Disneyland official website for offer details.

LinaBell Photo Pass Bundle

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL


Prepare to capture the most adorable moments in the most picture-perfect way with the online exclusive “LinaBell Photo Pass Bundle” from August 29, 2022. Not only will you get to meet and greet the lovable new fox, but you’ll also enjoy a LinaBell plush toy. And best of all, our professional photographers will capture your magical moments of your visit and offer unlimited image downloads. After your meet-cute with LinaBell, you will receive 8R printed photos and a 6R framed photo to cherish the joy again and again.

Welcoming LinaBell soon

為迎接LinaBell閃亮登場香港迪士尼樂園,各位粉絲可於8月26至28日、9月2至4日和9月9至11日,在精緻的地畫中感受Duffy與好友一同歡迎及慶祝 LinaBell 登場的歡樂。

Leading up to LinaBell’s arrival, fans can go on a scavenger hunt in the park!  On August 26-28, September 2-4, and September 9-11, fans can see how Duffy and Friends celebrate LinaBell’s arrival in the park’s gorgeous pavement art paving.

各位粉絲更要密切留意樂園即將於網上推出的一系列 LinaBell 應援物資,由全新IG濾鏡至每款分別與不同Duffy與好友聯乘的電子手幅和社交媒體頭像。與好友分享,讓更多人加入Duffy Fans-tasy。

Also, keep an eye out for a list of “Fans-to-do” activities prepared by Hong Kong Disneyland, such as fan chant Instagram filters, digital picture borders, and social profile pictures await guests.

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL


On the arrival date of LinaBell, fans will be able to capture her debut at the “Mickey and Friends Celebration” together with Duffy and Friends.  What’s more, starting from September 10, LinaBell will be joining Duffy and Friends to meet guests at a new butterfly photo backdrop, located on Main Street, U.S.A. After entering the park, fans can get a Disney Standby Pass on the official website or mobile app and capture plenty Fans-tasy smiles with LinaBell.


Furthermore, a series of themed delicacies are ready at both park and hotel restaurants, it’s bound to be the biggest Duffy and Friends fan party ever!

LinaBell 爆谷桶

LinaBell Popcorn Bucket

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL


Park’s Duffy and Friends Themed Delicacies

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

樂園與酒店餐廳也特別為入園應援的萌粉預備一系列主題美食,為大家注入滿滿的「Duffy Fans-tasy」能量。無論是戶外小食亭的LinaBell窩夫餅,「大街餐廳 由Coca-Cola®呈獻」的「Linabell 三層下午茶」,或是「大街餅店」的「LinaBell 麵包圈」,萌萌的造型令人忙於打卡留念,捨不得吃,讓萌粉的少女心難以招架。

Fill up on fans-tasy energy with a series of themed delicacies in park, including the LinaBell waffle at Outdoor Vending Carts, LinaBell-themed afternoon tea with three tiers of eye-catching delights at Main Street Corner Cafe Hosted by Coca-Cola®, and the LinaBell donut at Main Street Bakery. They are so cute you'll have to give social media a bite of the action—with a selfie—before you grab a taste.

芊彩餐廳 LinaBell 下午茶

LinaBell’s Afternoon Tea Set at World of Color Restaurant

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

來到「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」,發揮 LinaBell 的探索精神,隨時發現驚喜滋味!「芊彩餐廳」帶來LinaBell主題下午茶,飽嚐豐富主菜後,當「演藝人員」端上賣相精緻的LinaBell甜品拼盤,定必令座上萌粉嘩聲四起。

Unleash your spirit of exploration like LinaBell at Disney Explorers Lodge with the LinaBell-themed afternoon tea at World of Color Restaurant. Remember to save space after your main course for the exquisite LinaBell dessert platter, it’s sure to make you say “wow.”

預訂度假區酒店享受應援旅團體驗,同時享有 LinaBell 獨家商品!
Book a Fans-tasy staycation with exclusive LinaBell merchandise!

想繼續陶醉於 LinaBell 的Fans-tasy世界當中,樂園度假區酒店推出的應援旅團體驗絕對是不容錯過的!賓客可購買全新獨家「LinaBell萌粉世界」主題酒店房間佈置或 「Duffy Fans-tasy輕『營』遊」,讓Fans-tasy體驗再度昇華!

For those looking to further immerse themselves in LinaBell’s Fans-tasy world, a staycation in a resort hotel with an exclusive LinaBell-themed Room Decoration Package and Lounge & Play in the Duffy Fans-tasy would be the perfect choice.

「LinaBell萌粉世界」主題酒店房間佈置包括四款香港迪士尼獨家商品,除了印有LinaBell樣貌的枕頭套、毛毯、地毯與杯子之外,更有園內熱賣的LinaBell爆谷桶與超人氣LinaBell毛公仔,萌化房間之餘定會融化粉絲的心。喜歡野餐的粉絲可以購買「Duffy Fans-tasy輕『營』遊」,每個私人營地將以Duffy與好友主題作佈置,並可享用小食籃的各款小食。把這些萌粉必備的收藏帶回家,延續Fans-tasy狂熱!

The LinaBell-themed Room Decoration Package will feature four Hong Kong Disneyland exclusive LinaBell-themed items, including a blanket, floor mat, mug, and pillowcase, along with the popular LinaBell Plush and popcorn bucket. Fans who prefer to go picnic in the lush outdoors can enjoy the “Lounge & Play in the Duffy Fans-tasy," playfully decorated with Duffy and Friends-themed decorations and merchandise along with a themed snack basket. Bring home these great fan items and extend the Fans-tasy!


LinaBell-Themed Room Decoration Package

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL


Open your door to a precious paradise and open your heart to a playful new world.  Welcome LinaBell into your life with fans-tasy decorations designed to delight.  In addition to pillowcases, a popcorn bucket and blanket, there’s a lovable LinaBell plush toy ready to melt your heart.



  • 4款LinaBell主題商品
  • LinaBell毛公仔
  • LinaBell爆谷桶



價格(港幣):$1,615 (此價格不連房間價格)


  • 賓客需於購買酒店客房時加購LinaBell主題房間佈置套票。
  • 須在入住前最少1天預訂。
  • 受條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽樂園官方網站。

Booking Period: August 22, 2022 onwards


  • 4 limited LinaBell-themed merchandise products
  • LinaBell Plush
  • LinaBell popcorn bucket

Official Website:

Travel Period: September 9 – December 31, 2022

Price (HKD): $1,615 (Room is not included)


  • The package is applicable to guests staying in the resort’s hotels.
  • A reservation of 1 day in advance is required and is subject to availability.
  • Terms and conditions apply, please refer to the Hong Kong Disneyland official website for offer details.

「Duffy Fans-tasy 輕『營』遊」

Lounge & Play in the Duffy Fans-tasy

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL


Go back to where the fans-tasy began with a nature adventure in the lush outdoors. The Disney Explorers Lodge has launched a special edition of 'Lounge & Play'.  Each private camping area is playfully decorated with a Duffy and Friends-themed picnic mat and tent as well as a LinaBell plush magnet, headband, and mug.  Guests will also enjoy a snack basket full of Duffy and Friends-themed delights, such as doughnuts, fruit cups, cookies and drinks.  Plus, there’s a LinaBell photo backdrop with props that are sure to inspire heart-shaped eyes.  And as if all this playfulness wasn’t enough, there’s also a complimentary painting kit and the opportunity to take advantage of the rental services for various ball games, board games, scooters, and balance bikes.



  • LinaBell 毛公仔磁石
  • Linabell 耳朵頭箍
  • Linabell 瓷杯
  • 野餐籃 (可供最多4人享用)
  • 其他康樂設施





  • 只適用於迪士尼探索家度假酒店。
  • 須在入住前最少1天預訂。
  • 受條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽樂園官方網站。

Booking Period: August 22, 2022 onwards


  • LinaBell Plush Magnet
  • LinaBell Ear Headband
  • LinaBell Mug
  • Picnic Basket (for max. of Four Guests)
  • Recreation offerings

Official Website:

Travel Period: September 9, 2022 – January 3, 2023

Price (HKD): $1,039


  • The package is applicable to guests staying at Disney Explorers Lodge
  • Advance notice of 1 day is required for a reservation and is subject to availability.
  • Terms and conditions apply, please refer to the Hong Kong Disneyland official website for offer details.

準備投入全新「Duffy Fans-tasy」
Get Ready For The All-New “Duffy Fans-tasy”!

LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL

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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售|Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新「Duffy Fans-tasy」
LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售|Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新「Duffy Fans-tasy」
LinaBell主題商品於2022年8月22日起於「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段發售, Duffy粉絲 全「萌」召集投入全新Duffy Fans-tasy, Duffy And Friends, 玲娜貝兒, Hong Kong Disneyland eStore, Disney, HKDL
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