


香港迪士尼樂園「迪士尼音樂Live!」(“Disney Live in Concert!”)聖誕音樂盛會 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演!

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

香港迪士尼樂園度假區呈獻 全新「迪士尼音樂Live!」聖誕音樂盛會
結合音樂與魔法   為你點亮奇妙聖誕


Spark the magic with the brand-new “Disney Live in Concert!” Holiday Music Celebration this Christmas at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

Six live concerts in three different musical styles will feature renowned musicians in front of the Castle of Magical Dreams

由2022年11月18日至2023年1月2日,「A Disney Christmas」的連串節慶時刻將賓客與摯愛親朋連繫起來,讓歡樂魔力相傳,點亮最溫馨歡騰的奇妙聖誕!

This Christmas, Hong Kong Disneyland will spark countless heartfelt moments for guests, making it the most magical season of the year! “A Disney Christmas” will begin on November 18, 2022 until January 2, 2023.

🎄🎶 今個聖誕,音樂的力量將令 香港迪士尼樂園 變得更奇妙閃亮!由2022年11月25日至12月10日,一連3個周五及周六晚上,樂園將於「奇妙夢想城堡」呈獻全新「迪士尼音樂Live!」聖誕音樂盛會,分別以古典音樂、爵士樂及音樂劇為主題,由不同著名音樂家連同香港迪士尼樂園的樂手在奇妙夜空下演奏。米奇老鼠 和一班「迪士尼朋友」亦會隨着不同樂章驚喜登場,美妙的樂韻將會傳遍整條「美國小鎮大街」,與賓客一起點亮聖誕佳節。多款「迪士尼音樂Live!」聖誕音樂盛會的優惠套票,包括VIP觀賞區安排、樂園門票、餐飲、迪士尼尊享卡及酒店住宿等,由即日起於指定銷售伙伴國泰發售

🎄🎶 This Christmas season, the magic and the music will hit a high note at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. For three consecutive Fridays and Saturdays from November 25 to December 10, celebrations at the Castle of Magical Dreams will feature renowned musicians performing three different styles of music respectively at the all-new “Disney Live in Concert!” Holiday Music Celebration, including classical music, jazz and musical. As incredible music fills Main Street, U.S.A. in the evening, Mickey Mouse and other Disney Friends will infuse extra sparkle on stage alongside many acclaimed musicians. Special packages that include priority seating for the musical celebration, park tickets, in-park dining, Disney Premier Access and hotel accommodation will be available for sale through Cathay starting today.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁 莫偉庭 表示:「作為區內旅客首選的旅遊目的地,樂園為世界級表演藝術的蓬勃發展提供了最奇妙的舞台。繼去年與香港管弦樂團合作演出大獲好評,我們將於今個聖誕為賓客呈獻更豐富的音樂盛宴。『迪士尼音樂Live!』更是樂園與不同國際級文化表演機構合作當中的首個節目,期待將娛樂表演提升到一個全新的水平。」

“As a premium destination in the region, our resort offers the most magical backdrop for world class performing arts to thrive. Following the success of the orchestral performance with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra last year, we’re proud to curate an even more robust musical Christmas experience this season. Disney Live in Concert! represents the first of many cultural and performance partnerships with world-class organizations to take our entertainment to a whole new level," said Michael Moriarty, managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

以古典音樂、爵士樂及音樂劇為主題 奏出首首經典樂章
Classical, Jazz, Musical and Disney classics linger in the air

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演


For three consecutive Fridays and Saturdays, from 7.30pm to 8.15pm, guests can enjoy an eclectic assortment of Disney music performed by renowned musicians. To add more magic to the show, Mickey and Friends will be taking part in the symphonic spectacle as they celebrate this heartfelt time of the year with guests. Guests will be thrilled to see Mickey appearing in a brand-new outfit and Goofy playing the drums!


Classical night – November 25 and 26, 2022

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

夜幕悄然低垂,華麗宏偉的「奇妙夢想城堡」亮起璀璨閃亮的燈光,作為音樂晚會的奇妙舞台。由香港著名音樂監製 趙增熹 擔任客席指揮,率領香港城市管弦樂團,演奏多首著名迪士尼樂曲與經典聖誕樂章,點亮聖誕音樂盛會。隨著管弦樂於空中悠揚,穿上經典魔法師造型的米奇老鼠會率先登場,在氣勢磅礴的水幕噴泉襯托下施展魔法,令全場氣氛昇華,為表演揭開序幕。多首經典迪士尼樂章隨即緩緩奏起,一眾「迪士尼朋友」亦會分別登場表演,包括:聖誕米奇、米妮老鼠、唐老鴨、高飛、布魯托、白雪公主 與 慕安娜 等,與賓客共譜奇妙時刻。他們更將於最後一幕結伴亮相,一起於漫天雪花下為演出畫上歡樂句號。

As night falls, see the Castle of Magical Dreams shine in glorious light, setting the stage for dreams and magical performances to take flight. Famous Hong Kong music producer Chiu Tsang-Hei, as a guest conductor, will lead the Hong Kong City Pops Orchestra and present guests a gorgeous night of classical music. Mickey Mouse will open the show dressed in his iconic “Sorcerer Mickey” costume, he will appear with the majestic water fountains to kick off the classical celebration. As the music begins, different Disney characters will appear to perform including Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Snow White, Moana and even Santa Mickey! Finally, they will all join for an unforgettable snowy finale.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演
🎵 表演樂曲(Featured Music):《Fantasmic》、《When You Wish Upon s Star》、Tchaikovsky:《The Sleeping Beauty Suite, Op.66a: V. Waltz》及《Coco》Suite


Jazz medley - December 2 and 3, 2022

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

夕陽西下,群山環繞的「奇妙夢想城堡」將化身爵士樂之都 新奧爾良,將搖擺節奏帶來樂園。香港著名爵士樂結他手 包以正 將與爵士樂歌手 尚羚 登上城堡舞台.聯同由迪士尼樂手組成的大樂隊,為多首迪士尼經典樂曲注入爵士樂元素,讓賓客隨着節奏搖擺起來,投入別開生面的音樂盛宴。 演出將穿上黑色禮服的米奇老鼠打頭陣,隨後,現場將奏起耳熟能詳的彼思主題動畫歌、迪士尼惡人主題樂曲以及經典聖誕旋律。大家最喜愛的迪士尼朋友,包括:聖誕米奇、米妮老鼠、高飛、胡迪 與 巴斯光年 將會分別踏上舞台,穿梭於悠揚歡樂的爵士樂韻之中,於漫天飄雪下譜奏奇妙閃亮的難忘冬日。

As the sun sets, the Castle of Magical Dreams will be transformed with New Orleans-themed effects, bringing the capital of jazz to life in the heart of the park. Well-known Hong Kong guitarist Eugene Pao will combine chords with the soaring vocals of Sherine Wong to recreate Disney classics with jazz elements. Mickey Mouse will also appear in his black suit to take part in a magical medley. The show will continue with Pixar songs, Disney Villain delights and classic Christmas carols. Disney Friends, including Santa Mickey, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Woody, and Buzz Lightyear, will appear throughout the performance.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演
🎵 表演樂曲(Featured Music):《Dig a Little Deeper》、《You've Got A Friend in Me》、《Cruella De Vil》及《Sing, Sing, Sing》


Musical - December 9 and 10, 2022

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

點亮奇妙夢想城堡的璀璨舞台,是扣人心弦的音樂劇歌舞夜。香港著名音樂劇演員 姬素・孔尚治鄭君熾 將會聯同4位香港迪士尼樂園的歌手,以百老匯式歌舞演繹多首迪士尼電影原聲樂曲。而披上禮服的米奇老鼠將會聯同一眾歌手及舞者,淋漓盡致地演繹全新編製的《The Greatest Show》,為演出打響頭炮。其後,舞台將上演以愛情、以及歌頌不同迪士尼角色為主題的曲目,並樂遊倫敦、紐約以至《魔雪奇緣》的阿德爾王國。期間,貝兒、野獸、茉莉公主、阿拉丁、安娜 與 愛莎 等將會各自亮相,表演其深入民心的經典名曲。最後,聖誕米奇 將帶領一眾「迪士尼朋友」再度登場,在皚皚飄雪之下與賓客大合唱,送上佳節祝福。

Lights. Stars. Action. Get ready to be amused and amazed by the music and magic of Broadway and Hollywood at the Castle of Magical Dreams. Famous Hong Kong musical performers Crisel Consunji and Jordan Cheng will join four Disney singers to perform beloved Disney songs in musical style. The show will start with Mickey Mouse presenting a brand-new version of "The Greatest Show" and will continue with songs in the theme of love, paying tribute to different Disney Friends including Belle, The Beast, Princess Jasmine, Aladdin, Anna and Elsa. They will appear during each of their signature songs as guests go on a musical journey from London to New York and even farther, including Arendelle! Finally, together with Santa Mickey, everyone will return for a grand finale destined to bring festive blessings to guests under a magical snowfall.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

🎵 表演樂曲(Featured Music):《Beauty and The Beast》、《A Whole New World》、《We Don't Talk About Bruno》及《Step In Time》

Packages for the “Disney Live in Concert!” Holiday Music Celebration

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演


Three package offers starting from HK$610 will be available to purchase on Cathay.

❄️ 昇華住宿套票  Premium Staycation Package

  • 一晚迪士尼探索家度假酒店標準房間住宿連兩位成人自助早餐及酒店泊車優惠
  • 兩套香港迪士尼樂園 1日門票(特定日子)連「迪士尼尊享卡 – 3項設施通行」*
  • 兩位進入「迪士尼音樂Live!」聖誕音樂盛會預留VIP觀賞區
  • 兩位於樂園內大冒險家餐廳享用的兩位冒險家半自助餐(成人及歡迎特飲
  • 兩條米奇發光頸鏈、商品8折優惠券及酒店泊車優惠

  • One-night hotel accommodation at Disney Explorers Lodge’s Standard Room, with two buffet breakfasts for adults at Disney Explorers Lodge and Hotel parking discount
  • Two sets of Hong Kong Disneyland 1-Day Tickets (peak day) with Disney Premier Access – 3 Attractions*
  • Access to VIP Area of the “Disney Live in Concert!” Holiday Music Celebration for two guests
  • Explorer's Club semi buffet (adult/child) and welcome drink for two guests at Explorer’s Club Restaurant in the park
  • Two Mickey Mouse light-up necklaces and 20% off merchandise discount vouchers


Guest is required to redeem the Offer Tickets, Credentials, Wristbands and Voucher Tickets upon check-in at the Hotel front desk.

❄️ 昇級套票  Value-up Package

  • 一套香港迪士尼樂園1日門票(特定日子)連「迪士尼尊享卡 – 3項設施通行」*
  • 一位進入「迪士尼音樂Live!」聖誕音樂盛會預留觀賞區
  • 樂園內大冒險家餐廳的一位冒險家半自助餐(成人/小童)及歡迎特飲
  • 一條米奇發光頸鏈及商品8折優惠券

  • One set of Hong Kong Disneyland 1-Day Ticket (peak day) with Disney Premier Access – 3 Attractions*
  • Access to Reserved Area of “Disney Live in Concert!” Holiday Music Celebration for one guest
  • Explorer's Club semi buffet for (adult/child) and welcome drink for one guest at Explorer’s Club Restaurant in the park
  • One Mickey Mouse light-up necklace and 20% off merchandise discount voucher


Guest is required to redeem the Credential, Wristband and the Voucher Ticket at Ticket Booth at the Main Entrance of the Park.

❄️ 精選套票  Base Package

  • 一位進入「迪士尼音樂Live!」聖誕音樂盛會預留觀賞區
  • 樂園內大冒險家餐廳的一位冒險家半自助餐(成人/小童)及歡迎特飲
  • 一條米奇發光頸鏈及商品8折優惠券

  • Access to Reserved Area of the “Disney Live in Concert!” Holiday Music Celebration for one guest
  • Explorer's Club semi buffet (adult/child) and welcome drink for one guest at Explorer’s Club Restaurant in the park
  • One Mickey Mouse light-up necklace and 20% off merchandise discount voucher


Guest is required to redeem the Credential, Wristband and the Voucher Ticket at Ticket Booth at the Main Entrance of the Park.

* 「迪士尼尊享卡 – 3項設施通行」讓賓客於5個指定遊樂設施選項中挑選3個,尊享優先通行各1次︰1) 灰熊山極速礦車;2) 「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」;3) 迷離大宅;4) 「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」,或 5) 米奇幻想曲。

* “Disney Premier Access – 3 Attractions” offer one-time priority access to 3 out of 5 selected attractions: 1) Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars; 2) Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!; 3) Mystic Manor; 4) Iron Man Experience, or 5) Mickey's PhilharMagic.


Reserved Area of the “Disney Live in Concert!” Holiday Music Celebration

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

🎼 預留觀賞區位置均設座位

🎼 Seats will be provided in the reserved area

🎼 入園賓客亦可於「美國小鎮大街」位置欣賞6晚匯演

🎼 All of the Guests can enjoy the performances on Main Street, U.S.A.


Mickey Mouse Light-Up Necklace

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

Welcome Drink
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演



賓客必須在所選表演日期前至少7天提交餐桌入座安排申請至大冒險家餐廳作餐桌入座安排,餐廳會於5天內處理相關申請。請電郵至 並提供以下資料作餐桌入座安排。

  1. 賓客姓名:
  2. 電郵地址:
  3. 聯絡電話號碼:
  4. 已換購日期/時間:
  5. 賓客總人數包括三歲以下的小童(最多4人一枱):
  6. 所有賓客的電子券參考編號:

Guest is required to send an email to Explorer's Club Restaurant (“The Restaurant”) to facilitate the Restaurant’s table management, and at least seven (7) days prior to the selected Event Date. The Restaurant will respond to the guest by email within 5 days. Please send an email to The Restaurant at for table arrangement and provide the following information.

  1. Guest Name:
  2. Email Address:
  3. Contact phone number:
  4. Redeemed Dining Date/Time:
  5. No. of Guests in total including children aged below 3 (maximum 4 guests per table):
  6. Offer Voucher Reference Number of ALL guests:

冬日「雙重暢玩」   點亮奇妙聖誕
Spark The Magic With “Double the Fun” Offer

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演


A brand-new “Duffy and Friends Winter Wonderland” will debut at Fantasy Gardens where guests can meet Duffy and Friends in wintertime costumes. Guests can also bring along their own Duffy and Friends plushes to a series of custom-designed photo spots and create precious moments of togetherness during the festive season.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

多個經典節目,包括:《米奇與好友聖誕舞會》、「奇妙飄雪  聖誕高飛」及「夢想成真聖誕樹亮燈禮」讓賓客在音樂及飄雪中感受傳統聖誕的氣氛。賓客的聖誕夜亦因為全城熱捧的《迪士尼星夢光影之旅》而更璀璨。

This Christmas, Hong Kong Disneyland will spark countless heartfelt moments for guests, making it the most magical season of the year! “A Disney Christmas” will begin on November 18, 2022 until January 2, 2023, with many experiences to look forward to including the traditional and not-to-be-missed “Mickey & Friends Christmastime Ball,” “Santa Goofy’s Magical Snowfall,” and “A Holiday Wish-Come-True Tree Lighting Ceremony.”

要令旅程盡興而歸,先要做足準備,賓客可預訂迪士尼獨有的 #Eatertainment 投入滋味時刻,或先到香港迪士尼網上商店,率先選購全新冬日聖誕主題商品,以最佳造型點亮奇妙聖誕。預訂網站將於11月推出,粉絲們要密切留意。

Guests can also make the most of each magical journey by pre-booking Christmas #Eatertainment and pre-ordering Christmas-themed merchandise items to dress up in during their visits to the resort. Stay tuned for the pre-order site which will be available in November.

無數節慶時刻,等你在處處洋溢傳統聖誕氣氛的香港迪士尼樂園內一一點亮!如此奇妙,當然要一玩再玩。由即日起至2023年1月16日,只需以 港幣$759 購買「雙重暢玩」優惠,即可於聖誕節期間一票入園兩次,更享商品及餐飲優惠,將節日歡樂加倍!

There are many reasons to visit the park more than once. With the “Double the Fun” Special Offer, guests can visit twice from now until January 16, 2023, for just HK$759. This offer includes merchandise and food and beverage benefits that make it a truly incredible deal. Book now and get ready to experience the unforgettable magic of Christmas at Hong Kong Disneyland!

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演


Lastly, the nighttime spectacular “Momentous” will be showing every operating day from December 2, 2022 to January 2, 2023 and the park will open every day from December 16, 2022 to January 2, 2023.

Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演


Hong Kong Disneyland Resort



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Disney Magical Kingdom Blog: 香港迪士尼樂園「迪士尼音樂Live!」(“Disney Live in Concert!”)聖誕音樂盛會 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演!
香港迪士尼樂園「迪士尼音樂Live!」(“Disney Live in Concert!”)聖誕音樂盛會 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演!
Disney, HKDL, 香港迪士尼樂園. 迪士尼音樂Live!, Disney Live in Concert!, 聖誕音樂盛會, 將於2022年11月及12月一連3個週五及週六晚上隆重上演
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